Finally, an LGBTQ Church Near You!

Creating Jesus-loving, inclusive communities that ignite Chicago - and beyond!

Join us for Worship In-Person or Online

Join us live at 10:30 AM for Sunday Worship on Facebook and YouTube. You can also view previously streamed worship services and listen to a podcast of weekly sermons.

*We will not spam you or share your info.

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Find a Progressive Small Group

We’ve got a number of unique groups that meet throughout the city as well as online!

Our Worshipping Locations

UVC Edgewater

10:30 AM Worship
The Edge Theater
5451 N Broadway St

Hyde Park • Woodlawn

10:30 AM Worship
Center On Cottage Grove
6323 S Cottage Grove Ave

UVC West

10:30 AM Worship
River Forest United Methodist Church
7970 W Lake St, River Forest, IL

UVC Wicker Park

10:30 AM Worship
Chopin Theater
1543 W Division St